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Wikipedia’s entry on the WSIS has this useful set of links to some other blogs on this theme. There’s the, a multilingual coalition of bloggers attending WSIS; includes text, photos, podcasts and video; apart from WSIS wire news on the summit; iwitness, offering debate, news and resources for “journalists creating a fairer information society” and The Daily Summit – WSIS and similar World Summit coverage by the British Council Science Team (with items dating back to 2003 and 2004, at the time of blogging).

Wikipedia’s entry on the WSIS has this useful set of links to some other blogs on this theme. There’s the, a multilingual coalition of bloggers attending WSIS; includes text, photos, podcasts and video; apart from WSIS wire news on the summit; iwitness, offering debate, news and resources for “journalists creating a fairer information society” and The Daily Summit – WSIS and similar World Summit coverage by the British Council Science Team (with items dating back to 2003 and 2004, at the time of blogging).

Check it out.
