6 February 2017 | APC Talk Serge Daho, PROTEGE QV IGF 2016: What is the internet’s role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?
21 December 2016 | APC Talk Leandro Navarro, Pangea IGF 2016: Notes and links around community networking
14 December 2016 | News APC What happened at the 2016 Internet Governance Forum in Guadalajara, Mexico?
5 December 2016 | News APC IGF 2016 - Internet Governance in the Middle East and North Africa policy brief
2 December 2016 | Publication APC APC's priorities for the 11th Internet Governance Forum, Guadalajara, 2016
29 November 2016 | News APC Disco-tech Guadalajara: Join us in this pre-IGF event on community networks
31 October 2016 | News Olga Tsafack-Koloko African School on Internet Governance 2016: A multidimensional, mind-stretching and enriching experience