6 October 2016 | News Olga Tsafack-Koloko Africa gets ready for exciting events on internet governance
1 July 2016 | Publication APC Contribution to the "Retreat on Advancing the 10-Year Mandate of the Internet Governance Forum" from the Association for Progressive Communications
31 March 2016 | News APC APC's reflections on the 2015 Internet Governance Forum: 10 years and looking forward
31 March 2016 | Publication APC Reflections from the Association for Progressive Communications on the 10th Internet Governance Forum, Brazil, November 2015
14 March 2016 | APC Talk Miriam Cristina Rojas, Fundación REDES Fundación REDES: Reflections on the 10th Internet Governance Forum
12 November 2015 | News Leila Nachawati Rego GISWatch 2015 – Sexual rights and the internet: Launched at IGF 2015
11 November 2015 | News Leila Nachawati Rego African Internet Rights. Whose rights are these anyway?, at IGF 2015
5 November 2015 | Publication APC APC's priorities for the 10th Internet Governance Forum, Brazil, 2015