5 October 2015 | Publication Open letter sent by civil rights groups worldwide against the Surveillance Bill to be adopted in France
29 September 2015 | Publication Various Open letter: Challenging the feminicide of woman human rights defender Nadia Dominique Vera Perez; the feminicide of Yesenia Quiroz Alfaro, Mile Martin and Alejandra Negrete Virginia; and the murder of photojournalist Ruben Bonilla Espinosa
4 September 2015 | Publication Magaly Pazello Statement of the Gender Caucus Second WSIS PrepCom (2005)
4 September 2015 | Publication Statement read on financing the information at PrepCom 2 by the APC, Bread for All, CRIS, Instituto del Tercer Mundo (ITeM), IT for Change and the Gender Caucus (2005)
4 September 2015 | Publication Karen Banks, Willie Currie and Anriette Esterhuysen The World Summit on the Information Society: An overview of follow-up
4 September 2015 | Publication Anriette Esterhuysen APC's reflections- Multi-stakeholder participation and ICT policy processes (2005)