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A workshop on the formation of an “Information and Knowledge Exchange Network on Information Communication Technology for Development” for Ecuador was held on February 17, in the city of Quito, with the support of APC member Intercom – Ecuanex and the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD). The objective of the meeting was to develop a participative strategy for the formation of the network.

The multi-sectoral event convened governmental, private sector, civil society institutions and organisations and international organisations whose work is related to the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).

The requests and offers of each of the institutions present were established in relation to the two objectives proposed for the network: 1) the sharing of information, knowledge, methodologies and lessons learned on the use of ICT for development; 2) awareness-building and influencing public policy on the use of ICT in different development sectors. It was discussed whether there was a demand and need on the part of the organisations present for the actual formation of the network, and if this were the case, what would be the aggregated value of the network vis-à-vis innumerable existing networks. The participants concluded that there are various networks working regionally on this subject, but that there is a need to form a network with a national scope that focuses on local aspects. The input from each of the organisations derived from their own experiences enriched the process.

In addition, the workshop allowed the definition of general guidelines for the future development of the network’s strategy. Among the different proposals is the mapping of ICT actors, the compilation of lessons learned from different sector initiatives, and diagnostics of public policy, etc. Plans were made to develop the strategy further; the most important was the formation of a central hub (coordination team) made up of FLACSO, NuevaRed, PMT, MCCH, UNESCO and INTERCOM-Ecuanex who will be in charge of developing the network strategy based on the guidelines obtained during the workshop. Likewise, they will work on assigning a name to the network, creating a logo, and designing a website.

To become a part of the network or obtain more information, please contact:

Author: —- (INTERCOM)
Date: 03/29/2004
Location: QUITO, Ecuador
Category: Development Resources