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The FRIDA/IGF2011 award is supported by the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Address Registry (LACNIC), the International Development Research Center (IDRC) and the Internet Society (ISOC).

This award seeks to recognize those projects and initiatives that contribute significantly to the use of the internet as a catalyst for change in Latin America and the Caribbean. Based on the theme of the IGF 2011, it focuses on the areas of access, freedom, development and innovation.

Five awards will be given to nominated projects and initiatives, being one award for each of the 4 following subject areas:

Access – this includes initiatives that expanded fixed and mobile access to the internet through new forms of technical and organizational arrangements as well as improve the quality of access based on issues of accessibility, disability and linguistic diversity.

Freedoms – this includes initiatives related to freedom of expression, freedom of association, privacy, security, consumer’s rights, new forms of intellectual property in the digital environment and a wider range of issues related to internet and human rights.

Development –This includes initiatives that use the internet to contribute directly to the solution of environmental and socio–economic challenges. It is such as education, health, access to finance and environmental conditions.

Innovation – Includes initiatives that introduced technical innovation on any aspect related with Internet development, ranging from physical to conceptual. Among others, it includes innovation in materials, devices, standards for software and content, as well as aspects related to development of the semantic web.
Finally, one award for the best 2.0 campaign (Most voted project).

Promote your project and nominate it for the FRIDA/IGF 2011 Award! The winners will receive cash prizes and will participate in the 2011 IGF in Kenya! Applications are open until August 5, 2011!

For further details on how to participate, please refer to the “Rules for Participation”:

Áreas de trabajo