30 May 2012 | News Flavia Fascendini Making government accountable to citizens in Uganda and the region
25 May 2012 | News Flavia Fascendini Developing countries utilise cost-effective option to bridge access gap
21 March 2012 | News AF Open spectrum in Peru: Capitalising on an opportunity to democratise access to the internet
21 March 2012 | News AF Open spectrum in Ecuador: The debate must extend beyond the circle of experts
21 March 2012 | News AF Debate over spectrum in Argentina: “A defining push is needed to get past the debate stage”
10 January 2012 | Publication Carlos A. Afonso Spectrum use in Latin America: Summary report of the case studies of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela
12 December 2011 | News Maicu Alvarado and Gabriela Perona for CEPES A key moment for getting spectrum in the public agenda in Peru