14 November 2018 | APC Talk Leila Nachawati for APCNews "We have the standards, the means to make internet services accessible. So why is this not happening?" Insights on disability and accessibility at the IGF 2018
14 November 2018 | APC Talk Flavia Fascendini for APCNews Focusing on the SDGs: “We have to really think about including all genders and marginalised genders in this conversation”
13 November 2018 | Publication APC Contribution from the Association for Progressive Communications to the IGF intersessional work on Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) – Phase IV
13 November 2018 | APC Talk Gabrielle Willms for APCNews Schools on Internet Governance at IGF 2018: Building a network and sharing resources
13 November 2018 | Publication Various An open letter to Mark Zuckerberg: The World's Freedom of Expression is in Your Hands
12 November 2018 | APC Talk Flavia Fascendini for APCNews Spectrum for community networks: Opening up a crucial conversation
12 November 2018 | APC Talk Gabrielle Willms for APCNews Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity at IGF 2018: Connection "for the community with the community by the community"
12 November 2018 | APC Talk Leila Nachawati for APCNews Connecting the next billions at IGF 2018: "Let's think in terms of social development and not profit alone"
1 November 2018 | News Disco-tech Paris: Join us in this pre-IGF event on disability and accessibility to the internet