29 August 2014 | Publication APC APC's priorities for the ninth Internet Governance Forum, Turkey, 2014
28 August 2014 | News FF and TB Impacting global advocacy on tech-related violence against women through regional IGFs
18 August 2014 | Publication Association for Progressive Communications Concrete decisions or actions that have been taken as a result of engagement at national, regional and global Internet Governance Forum during its 2011—2013/4 mandate
15 August 2014 | News Mallory Knodel APC supports multiple dialogue spaces on internet rights, good governance
18 February 2014 | Publication Reflections from APC on the IGF 2013 and recommendations for the IGF 2014
31 October 2013 | APC Talk Aida Mahmutović “Like” yourself to jail: New laws to restrict online speech
23 October 2013 | APC Talk AL Human rights on the internet: Snapshots from Indonesia and Kenya #IGF2013