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hvale vale

hvale vale (small letters as per bell hooks), feminist activist and writer of words, happy and compulsive reader, deepening around and about somatic experiencing.

Sit, walk, run, sometime dance @ intersections and explorations of peoples and community, systems and practices, autonomous tech infrastructure, organising and holding spaces.

Learning and relearning the internet poetically, politically and practically, advocating for a #feministinternet.

Central to life and works are the many superhumans of these worlds we walk through.

Some themes: walk-the-talk, bodywork, sexuality, sci-fi, movements, storytelling, safety and bravery in the digital continuum, remote and asynchronous communication, design of accessible, participatory compassionate spaces, hacking and re-thinking how organisations structure and use “operations”. Working for feminist queer way of doing-thinking-feeling.

Maintain a blog, discontinuously yet in waves, believing data is the fabric of the bodies we are made of in the realm of 0101010 and more.

Purpose of position

The operations lead holds responsibility for the development and implementation of systems, policies and procedures (SP&P) that support the effective implementation of APC’s strategic plan and contribute towards developing and consolidating organisational practices of sustainability, rooted in values of autonomy, accountability and distributed leadership, improving the day-to-day work experience of the APC team.

They accompany teams in order to strengthen their capacities to systematically apply and integrate SP&P into project management and activity implementation and operationalise the work through connecting with APC’s management team and mechanisms, working closely with APC’s operations director.

They hold responsibility for implementation of APC’s Closer than Ever (CTE) strategy, supporting the engagement and participation of APC members, associates and partner communities and coordinate the work of the CTE team. They co-lead the creation and advocacy of critical infrastructure (including hybrid environments) that informs and strengthens APC’s CTE strategy and advocate around it, working with APC’s tech coordinator.


What is OpenPGP?

Operations lead

Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
Twitter/X: @froatosebe