This piece was motivated by an amazing session on Sex and Freedom of Expression Online (transcript and video) at the 2016 Internet Governance Forum.
I wrote this immediately afterwards but as with most controversial subjects, I dilly-dallied on whether or not to publish. However, thanks to the insistence of the best friend and an amazing young woman in tech who I had review this for me, I became convinced there was something here to be shared and decided to go for it.
For the sake of context, I should probably clarify two things before I jump right in:
- First, there is this thing about the human mind and behaviour. We are the big problem with most free expression issues. There are very few willing to damn all consequences and fully stand in their truth ie who they are as sexual beings. A major consideration when people choose safety/privacy/censorship (however those apply to them) is the reaction/attacks/harm that come with electing to openly and freely express themselves.
- Second, I am a Christian. Some would say a liberal Christian. Some would say there is no such thing and as such my Christianity should be questioned but the labels matter not. Jesus has been my ride-or-die, long before I acknowledged Him or even came to know and understand exactly what that means. That raises a question of why am I talking about free and safe sexual expression instead of advocating for no sexual expression or sexual expression only in marriage? Well, much like my views on sex itself, yes, advocating for abstinence and purity comes first but what’s plan B?
Read the full article here .
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