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Every six months, WOUGNET produces an informative newsletter on issues around internet, mobile phones and other ICTs and how they are using them to make a difference. This issue explores women and ICTs in rural Uganda, and questions whether mobiles are a luxury or a necessity nowadays.

Download the PDF of the newsletter (below) or read the blog:

When Citizen Journalists in Kasese Investigated Why Taps Had Gone Dry

Using the digital camera and citizen journalism training given by CIPESA, staff of the e-Society Resource Centre in Kasese in December 2011, investigated water supply shortages in Mpondwe-Lhubiriha town council, and prompted authorities to take action. Situated at the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Uganda, this is one of the new town councils in Kasese District. In the early 1990s, Karambi and Bwera sub-counties, which now formed the new town council, lacked clean water supply. In 1995, with a grant from WaterAid Danida, they were connected to piped water tapped from River Lhubiriha on the Rwenzori Mountains. Residents and the local community were asked to pay up to UGX 400 (17 US cents) per month for the water system maintenance. However, in 2005, the community started experiencing irregularities in water flow. The infrastructure remained in place, but water simply wasn’t flowing….
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Photo by The Advocacy Project. Used with permission under Creative Content license 3.0.
